Pequeno Cidadão

The Duccio Cipriani Avena Foundation – in this period of great difficulties caused by the COVID19 pandemic – has decided to give extraordinary and immediate support to the association “Núcleo de Apoio ao Pequeno Cidadão”, active in the territory of Sao Paolo and dedicated to offering initiatives dedicated to education, culture and leisure for children, adolescents and families living in conditions of great economic and social hardship in the municipality of São Bernardo do Campo (Sao Paolo).

The economic support is R$ 10,000.

This will enable the association to finance the following measures in concrete terms:

a) Extraordinary and necessary maintenance of the association’s premises and laboratory – R$ 4,000.00

b) Hiring a professional trader – R$ 4,000.00

c) Didactic material for activities and/or material support to families – R$ 2.000,00

The Foundation is also considering other special donations.

Update February 2021

Here is the message received from the association “Núcleo de Apoio ao Pequeno Cidadão” and the link to see the initiative about sculpture

Good morning. This weekend we will be exhibiting the sculptures that were produced by the children during the pandemic and part of the material used in the activity was financed with the money we received from you. I will always update you by sending photos and videos.
The foundation’s support is already valid!!!!!