About us

The Duccio Cipriani Avena Foundation


Many children in the City of Sāo Paulo are the first victims of the difficulties and accidents of life faced by their families. They suffer from precarious housing, lack of access to education and culture, complex family situations. Other children encounter difficulties related to illness or psychic fragilities. Inspirations and dreams, so important in this period of life, are broken.

This is the aim of the Duccio Cipriani Avena Foundation, which was born to help these children. Together with friends, Duccio’s family, and donors who support the cause, the Foundation wants to support effective and innovative initiatives and actions to ensure that as many children as possible have better conditions of development and fulfillment.

The mission of the Duccio Cipriani Avena Foundation is to accompany initiatives and projects to assist children and their families, young people without family support, and to share good practices.


Small streams form big rivers. The Duccio Cipriani Avena Foundation believes that small, well-curated actions focused on improving living conditions can impact and transform destinies of many needy children and young people.